Bote 12' Flood
Bote 12’ flood was $1400 now used for $999.00. Best tracking and best glide. Travel link receivers for shoulder strap on the side to make it easier to transport it. Tackle rack receivers on the deck for fishing. Cooler tiedowns to strap down your cooler. Built inside the board hatch/Cupholder in the board also can be used as a storage compartment for your keys or anything else. Bungees on the front and back to hold your paddle down for life jackets or anything else. Holds over 350 pounds.
You can put a windsurfing sail on it and windsurf on it when It gets windy. You can surf little waves with it. Put your kids or your dogs on it.
I also carry board bags to protect It from the sun and make it last for 10 years because the only time you're board should be in the sun is when you're on it. Board bags are $260.00.